Puppy Dog (no entries)
Junior Dog (4 entries – all present)
- Mrs A. Aston’s Balgaled Arlan. This dog caught my eye as soon as he came into the ring, the most mature by age in the class. Lovely dark eye with a typical head and expression. Good spring of rib and deep in the brisket. Looked well balanced for his age. Low set hocks and better rear angulation than 2. Moved soundly. Dog RCC
- Mr M. & Mrs G. Peach’s Erpingham Sebastian To Kilbourne NAF. Only just out of puppy so not as mature in movement as 1 but still kept a good topline on the move. Friendly, open disposition. Low set hocks and good width across the first thigh.
- Mrs S. Taylor’s Ormanstar Gabriel Norman
Post Graduate Dog (6 entries – 1 absent)
- Miss K.A. Llewellyn’s Hunky Dory Bowie At Kilbourne. 2 year old dog with a good front and well sprung ribs. Well laid shoulders. Moved with drive and purpose and this is what won him the class.
- Mr M. & Mrs G. Peach’s Tiobraid Solo venture To Kilbourne. Typical head and expression with neat ears. Sound front construction and wide across rear quarters. Low set hocks. Moved well but lacked the drive of 1.
- Miss S.L. Finnett & Miss N. Heathcote’s Hyndsight Endless Flight
Limit Dog (5 entries – 1 absent)
- Miss B. Adams’ Ardneish Pinochio. I liked this dog as soon as I saw him come into the ring. Well balanced, not too large with good angulation fore and rear. Shown in full coat like a deerhound should be. Moved soundly with drive.
- Mr J. & Mrs L Faircloth’s Beardswood Uther. Larger dog, lovely dark coat and very dark eye to match. Front construction good with a well laid shoulder and strong neck. Well knuckled feet. Moved well but I preferred hind construction of 1.
- Mr K.J. Owen & Miss Z.L.S. Brodie & Miss E.E. Owen’s Wolfcastle Meredith
Open Dog (3 entries – 1 absent)
- Mr M. & Mrs G. Peach’s CH. Kilbourne Lloyd. Mature dog that moved soundly with drive. Maintained his topline on the move. Deep chest and good spring of rib. Nice dark, harsh coat. Well-constructed quarters with width across the first thigh. Dog CC
- Mrs S. Baumann & Miss V. Lucas’ Packway Loxley Norton – Big, mature dog in full coat with plenty of fore chest and good spring of rib. Well knuckled feet.
Veteran Dog (no entries)
Puppy Bitch (3 entries – all present)
- Mr M.J. Peach & Mr M. Cannon’s Kilbourne Etoile TAF. Nearly a year old, well balanced for her age, lovely head and expression with a dark eye. Deep brisket and good topline which was maintained on the move. Low set hocks and moved soundly. BP
- Mr K.J. Owen & Miss Z.L.S. Brodie & Miss E.E. Owen’s Wolfcastle Soul Sister. Another pretty bitch with a typical head and expression, younger than 1. Good spring of rib and deep in brisket. Correct rear angulation, preferred the movement of 1.
- Mr I.D. & Mrs C.J. Havercroft’s Kilbourne Vega At Dragonsisle
Junior Bitch (1 entry – all present)
- Mrs S. & Mr T.A. McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Fynne. Stood alone in the class, pretty, feminine bitch with a very dark coat. Well knuckled feet, strong neck, and good width across first thigh.
Post Graduate Bitch (12 entries – all present)
- Dr S.A.F. Helps’ Beardswood Ulyssa. Winner of a strong class. Good front construction, plenty of fore chest and well laid shoulders. Well knuckled feet, better than 2. Well-muscled and moved soundly and top line maintained on the move. RBCC
- Miss B. Adams’ Ardneish Pearl. Smaller bitch, very feminine and good overall balance. Lovely harsh dark coat. Low set hocks with good bend of stifle. Moved soundly.
- Miss S.L. Finnett & Miss N. Heathcote’s Hyndsight How You Remind Me
Limit Bitch (4 entries – 2 absent)
- Dr S.A.F. Helps’ Beardswood Unique Gem. Solid bitch, well laid shoulder and good forearm angulation. Nice deep chest and plenty of fore chest. Top line maintained on the move. Well-muscled and moved soundly.
- Mrs J. Wilce Quinton & Mr R. Quinton’s Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax. Lovely head and expression, front construction weaker than 1. Well knuckled feet and deep chested. Good width across the first thigh. Moved soundly.
Open Bitch (3 entries – 2 absent)
- Miss S.L. Finnett & Miss N. Heathcote’s CH. Hyndsight In Your Dreams. Standing alone in the class but still a worthy winner. Typical faraway expression of a deerhound, feminine head. Excellent overall balance to fore and hind quarters. Deep chest and brisket with good spring of rib. Very well balanced on the move and moved with drive. BOB
Mrs Clare Drew